What types of words or phrases should I avoid in my writing?

As a writer, you must choose your language carefully. Unclear or careless language affects your ability to communicate. It is important to recognize words or expressions that weaken your message in order to avoid them in your formal writing.

If you know when to use or avoid the following types of expressions, your writing will be more effective:

  • Idioms are expressions that do not have a literal meaning but establish their connotation by the way they are used in speech.
  • Clichés are expressions that are so commonly used that they fail to have any real impact on your sentence.
  • Jargon is the specialized, often technical, language of a particular field or profession.
  • Slang is the informal language of conversation, which includes contractions, faddish language, and other casual language.
  • Euphemisms are mild or softer words or phrases used to blunt the effect of more direct or unpleasant words or phrases.
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