What's polemic? Over winter break, my uncle told me I was polemic and asked if I was on the debate team at school.

Polemos is the mythological Greek spirit of war — and that includes battle and combat. Polemic, which is all about arguing, can be used as an adjective or as a noun:
  • Adjective: Of or involving dispute; controversial. Argumentative; disputatious.
  • Noun: An argument or controversial discussion. A person inclined to engage in argument or disputation.

In The Three Musketeers, Aramis's servant (Monsieur Bazin) tries to block the door when d'Artagnan approaches:

But d'Artagnan took very little heed of the eloquent discourse of Monsieur Bazin; and as he had no desire to support a polemic discussion with his friend's valet, he simply moved him out of the way with one hand, and with the other [opened the door and] went into the chamber.
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