Is it grammatically correct to say, She went missing"? What is the rule?"

If the phrase troubles your ear, you're not alone! You hear or see the expression a lot these days. When a person disappears, the media often announces that So and So "went missing" at Such and Such time and place. "Gone missing" crops into news coverage, too.

The word "missing" has been around for centuries, aptly describing a state of being absent or lost. Within the last few decades, American language seems to have adopted — if not embraced — the British English way of describing a situation in which someone's whereabouts are unknown.

Writers, editors, teachers, commentators, discussion group participants, and others have called for the "went missing" phrase to "go missing" — indefinitely. That's probably not going to happen, though, which isn't the biggest deal in the world. After all, we've probably all heard (or said) that somebody's "turned up missing." What could be weirder than that expression, when you think about it?

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