If somebody is toady," does it mean they're ugly?"

There's nothing particularly attractive about toadyish behavior. To be termed a "toady" is to be defined as someone most others would not want to be around.

The word toady reaches back several centuries, when people pretending to have great medical knowledge would stage phony demonstrations of their power. These quacks would enlist an assistant to play out their fakery. The helper would appear to eat a toad (some actually did swallow the things!). Toads were believed to be poisonous, so the medicine man would quickly go to work to draw out the deadly toxins.

Appropriately, the accomplice came to be known as a toadeater, which got shortened to toady over the years. These days, a person who's called toady is a brown-noser, or a flatterer who tries to gain advantage by sucking up to someone in charge.

From Charles Dickens's 19th-century novel, Great Expectations:

Mr. and Mrs. Pocket had a toady neighbour; a widow lady of that highly sympathetic nature that she agreed with everybody, blessed everybody, and shed smiles and tears on everybody, according to circumstances.
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