What is the chemical equation for orange juice?

The easy answer is, there is no chemical formula for orange juice. Your favorite liquid sunshine is a mixture, which chemists define as a combination of at least two substances. Each of these substances retains its own chemical identity when it gets mixed up with the other components.

Orange juice is a mixture of many things, most of all water, sugar, and citric acid. You probably know the chemical formula for water: H20. The H indicates two atoms of hydrogen and the O represents one atom of oxygen. The combination, which is also called a molecular formula, equals one molecule of water. Table sugar looks like this in formula form: C12H22O11 (carbon-hydrogen-oxygen), and citric acid appears as C6H807.

So, do you think air has a molecular formula? Like orange juice, air is a mixture. The basic component of air is nitrogen (about 78%), with smaller measures of oxygen, argon, and carbon dioxide. A smidgen of other gases make up the air around you, including neon, methane, ozone, ammonia, carbon monoxide, helium, nitrous oxide, and krypton — something to think about as you sit back and enjoy an early morning glass of formula-free OJ!

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