Should I keep taking the GMAT until I get a good score?

Retaking the GMAT is an option if you're not satisfied with your score. If you decide to repeat the GMAT test, keep these thoughts in mind:
  • It's going to cost you. Each time you register to take the GMAT, you pay a fee. Country-specific taxes bump up the charges significantly if you're in a location where international tax is applicable.
  • Each test score shows up on your overall Official Score Report. The Graduate Management Assessment Council allows you to take the GMAT as many as 5 times every 12 months. Each new score gets added to your running tally for 5 full years.
  • Consider your commitment to a better score. A whole string of retries won't give you points for persistence, especially if any of your scores fall, rather than rise. Colleges are likely to wonder about your preparation if you take the test more than 2 or 3 times.
  • Colleges differ in the ways they view your GMAT scores. Some programs may focus on your highest score; others may average out your scores, if you've repeated a few times. A decent score the first time out usually attracts the most positive attention.
  • New scores only go out to the recipients you designate. If you retake the GMAT, you'll have to reselect any program that received your score previously in order for your new score to be shown alongside your prior attempts.
  • Know when you're good to go. Two-thirds of those who take the Graduate Management Admission Test score between 400 and 600. (The low range is around 200; the cause-for-jubilation high end is 800.) If your GMAT score is 800, you will not be permitted to retake the exam for 5 years. (Why would you want to anyway?)
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