If I'm going to college for a degree in art, are all of my other classes even worth taking?

Absolutely! If you take a careful look at great works of art, you'll see how math, history, literature, anatomy, and other "school subjects" contribute to artistic mastery.

For example, math weighs heavily in many forms of art. Regarding ancient Greek architecture, think about perspective, dimension, and proportion. In modern art, you'll find geometry in the works of Escher and Man Ray. Da Vinci blended math and anatomy in his famous Vitruvian Man. And can you imagine what Michelangelo's David would look like if he skipped Anatomy 101?

Goya's Third of May depicts a grisly firing squad, but history students will know that it's really about a civil uprising in Madrid against Napoleon's invading army. History and sociology even make their way into body art — tattoos and piercings carry significant meanings for cultures around the world.

There are lots of literary references in art: Eastern and Western mythology offer images of dragons, Medusas, and Cupids. Pre-Raphaelite painters covered Shakespeare, the Bible, and medieval romances.

No matter what form art takes, do realize that knowledge — in general — contributes to the creation and appreciation of art. Lifelong learning can inspire your art in ways that you'd never expect.

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