What is misanthropy?

Ugh, a question that clearly reflects the overwhelming repugnancy of hominids.

Now, aren't you glad you asked?


Misanthropy refers to disgust with, distaste for, and general dislike of human beings. People who don't need — or like — other people are sometimes called misanthropes. Without an interest in their fellow man, misanthropes often stay to themselves, distrusting the intent and value of humanity.

Although aversion to other humans may seem like a step in the direction of ridding the planet of the species, misanthropes don't necessarily want to injure or destroy anybody. Their discontent can be more an expression of faultfinding than overt hostility.

In Molière's play The Misanthrope, main character Alceste rails against all of mankind, observing that hypocrisy drives people to deceive through false flattery. Alceste seeks someone who will tell it like it is, rather than distort the truth with sweet talk. Alceste's quest for honesty at all times and at all costs ultimately lands him in self exile, where he can devote himself to living out his human existence despising people.

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