Summary and Analysis Chapter 33



At breakfast the next morning, Hareton takes Cathy's side in an argument against Heathcliff. Heathcliff is about to strike her, but as he looks into Cathy's eyes, he controls himself. Later that night, he sees Hareton and Cathy sitting together. Cathy's eyes and Hareton's entire being remind him of Catherine. At this moment, Heathcliff admits to Nelly that he does not have the desire to complete his revenge. Everywhere at Wuthering Heights, Heathcliff is being constantly reminded of Catherine, and this is tormenting him.


As Cathy and Hareton become friends, Heathcliff loses his desire for revenge. He refuses to speak of Cathy, but Hareton is the embodiment of Catherine and himself — her features and his personality come to life. The realities of this world are driving him mad, so Heathcliff seeks solitude more and more often.


antipathy strong or deep-rooted dislike.

levers bars used for prying.

mattocks tools for loosening soil; a mattock is like a pickax but has a flat, adz-shaped blade.

monomania an excessive interest in or enthusiasm for some one thing.

laconic brief or terse in speech or expression.

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