Summary and Analysis Chapter 32



Six months later, Lockwood is in the area and returns to the Grange, only to find that Nelly is now living at Wuthering Heights. He travels there, and Nelly tells him what has happened since Lockwood left.

Two weeks after Lockwood departed from the Grange, Nelly was summoned to Wuthering Heights to be Cathy's companion because Zillah has left. While Nelly is there, Cathy admits to her that she was wrong to have made fun of Hareton, Hareton avoids Cathy, and Heathcliff withdraws from everyone.

After Hareton accidentally shoots himself and has to stay inside, he and Cathy argue but eventually make up and agree to be cousins. As a peace offering, Cathy wraps up a book and has Nelly present it to Hareton. If he accepts the book, Cathy will teach him to read and vows never to tease him again.


A date, 1802, opens this chapter, calling to mind the first chapter and indicating the passage of time from whence Lockwood initially began his diary. As Lockwood returns to the area, he notices the disparity between the moors in winter and summer. Once again, the idea of a contrasting yet dual nature comes through. Wuthering Heights is based on contrasts, and as the novel nears its end, themes that were previously shown but not told are now being spoken of directly.

When Lockwood arrives at Wuthering Heights, he does not encounter a lock — the first sign that a change has taken place. The fragrance of flowers and fruit is the second. While Nelly mentions that Heathcliff has been dead for three months, she backs up in time to provide the details of the narrative that occurred between the time Lockwood left and his subsequent return.

In this chapter, forgiveness occurs for the first time. In a scene reminiscent of Catherine's death, Cathy begs forgiveness. This time, it is Hareton, not Heathcliff, who must decide, and he forgives her. With Cathy and Hareton becoming allies, the second generation is not doomed to repeat the mistakes of the first. All that needs to fall into place is the death of Heathcliff.


hostler a person who takes care of horses at an inn or stable.

glens narrow, secluded valleys.

heath a tract of open wasteland, especially in the British Isles, covered with heather and low shrubs; moor

fagots bundles of sticks and twigs.

fortnight a period of two weeks.

automatons persons or animals acting in an automatic or mechanical way.

morose ill-tempered, gloomy, or sullen.

beguiling passing (time) pleasantly.

obdurate stubborn.

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