Summary and Analysis Chapter 31



Lockwood makes a trip to Wuthering Heights and carries a note from Nelly to Cathy. Hareton takes the note at first, but noticing Cathy's tears, returns it to her. She in turn still treats him coolly and makes fun of his attempts at reading. Embarrassed, Hareton flings his books into the fire.

When Heathcliff returns, he comments that Hareton favors Catherine more and more each day. This is something Heathcliff did not foresee and seems to disturb him. Now, in addition to the memories of his lost love, Heathcliff must also deal with Hareton's resemblance to his Aunt Catherine. Both the memories and physical reminder are beginning to take their toll on Heathcliff.


This chapter provides foreshadowing for the end of the novel. Heathcliff is softening, and his plans for total revenge do not seem as important to him. Cathy and Hareton, although still arguing, show signs of developing a friendly relationship, and Lockwood, still the outsider, obviously must know more because he is the narrator of the events and they have not yet come to close.


magpie a person who collects odds and ends.

Chevy Chase an old English ballad dealing with the Battle of Otterburn.

saturnine sluggish or morose.

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