Summary and Analysis Chapter 24



After Nelly recovers, she notices that Cathy is agitated in the evening. Cathy pretends to retire early, but when Nelly cannot find her anywhere in the house, she waits in Cathy's room for her to return. Cathy attempts a feeble lie at first but soon admits the truth.

On one of her visits, Hareton stops her and tells her that he can read the name above the door; however, Cathy asks if he knows the numbers, and when he concedes he does not, she again makes fun of him. This enrages Hareton, and during her visit with Linton, Hareton storms into the room and forces Linton upstairs. Later Hareton attempts to apologize to Cathy, but she refuses to listen to him.

Cathy visits three days later, but Linton blames her for the previous trouble, so she leaves. When she returns two days later, she tells Linton this is her last visit, but this news causes him trouble, and he apologizes for his behavior.

Nelly listens to Cathy's tale, and then immediately tells Edgar everything. He forbids Cathy to continue visiting Linton but says he will write and invite Linton to visit the Grange.


In this chapter Cathy serves as the primary narrator, telling Nelly (who in turn tells Lockwood) about her evening visits to Wuthering Heights. Many readers question Cathy's devotion to Linton, for he does not seem particularly agreeable. Again, Cathy ridicules Hareton, but this time her words lead to an injury for Linton. Unbelievably, this is an incident that Linton holds Cathy accountable for. In doing so, he is remaining true to his self-centered, annoying character.

Nelly, however, abruptly changes her character. For the first time, she does the responsible, adult thing and tells Edgar almost everything about Cathy and Linton's developing relationship. What she does not tell him, however, is the extent of Linton's illness, and this ends up providing Edgar a false sense of security that his daughter might eventually marry and keep her family home.


blind man's bluff a game in which a blindfolded player has to catch and identify another player.

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dunnut be 'feard don't be afraid.

allas summt always something.

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