Control of Respiration

Respiration is controlled by these areas of the brain that stimulate the contraction of the diaphragm and the intercostal muscles. These areas, collectively called respiratory centers, are summarized here:

  • The medullary inspiratory center, located in the medulla oblongata, generates rhythmic nerve impulses that stimulate contraction of the inspiratory muscles (diaphragm and external intercostal muscles). Normally, expiration occurs when these muscles relax, but when breathing is rapid, the inspiratory center facilitates expiration by stimulating the expiratory muscles (internal intercostal muscles and abdominal muscles).
  • The pheumotaxic area, located in the pons, inhibits the inspiratory center, limiting the contraction of the inspiratory muscles, and preventing the lungs from overinflating.
  • The apneustic area, also located in the pons, stimulates the inspiratory center, prolonging the contraction of inspiratory muscles.

The respiratory centers are influenced by stimuli received from the following three groups of sensory neurons:

  • Central chemoreceptors (nerves of the central nervous system), located in the medulla oblongata, monitor the chemistry of cerebrospinal fluid. When CO 2 from the plasma enters the cerebrospinal fluid, it forms HCO 3 and H +, and the pH of the fluid drops (becomes more acidic). In response to the decrease in pH, the central chemoreceptors stimulate the respiratory center to increase the inspiratory rate.
  • Peripheral chemoreceptors (nerves of the peripheral nervous system), located in aortic bodies in the wall of the aortic arch and in carotid bodies in the walls of the carotid arteries, monitor the chemistry of the blood. An increase in pH or pCO 2, or a decrease in pO 2, causes these receptors to stimulate the respiratory center.
  • Stretch receptors in the walls of bronchi and bronchioles are activated when the lungs expand to their physical limit. These receptors signal the respiratory center to discontinue stimulation of the inspiratory muscles, allowing expiration to begin. This response is called the inflation (Hering‐Breur) reflex.
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