The General Educational Development (GED) Mathematics Test is divided equally into two parts:
  • Part I: 25 questions; 45 minutes — Calculator is allowed (Casio fx-260 provided).

  • Part II: 25 questions; 45 minutes — No calculator is allowed.

What to expect

  • Expect questions that will test how well you understand and can apply the basic concepts of arithmetic (number sense, operations, statistics, probability, and data analysis), basic algebra, and informal geometry and measurement.

  • Expect settings that are familiar in everyday life. A grocery store, a bank, a theater, a restaurant, and a sporting event would all be familiar settings.

  • Expect about two-thirds of the questions to refer to situations.

  • Expect about one-third of the questions to refer to graphs or charts.

  • Expect some questions to be in groups, or sets — that is, two to four questions that refer to the same situation, chart, or graph.

  • Expect some questions where you will have to grid in answers on an answer grid or a coordinate grid.

  • Expect a formulas page to refer to if necessary.

What you should know

The Mathematics Test contains the following areas:

  • Number Operations and Number Sense: 20%–30%

  • Statistics, Probability, and Data Analysis: 20%–30%

  • Algebra: 20%–30%

  • Geometry and Measurement: 20%–30%

You should be able to answer questions in the following areas:

Arithmetic (40%–60%)

Number Operations and Number Sense (20%–30%)

  • Use integers, fractions, decimals, and percents in real world situations

  • Round off, estimate, and compare numbers

  • Work with ratios and proportions

  • Exponents, roots, scientific notation, and appropriate operations

  • Use a scientific calculator

Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability (20%–30%):

  • Find mean, mode, and median

  • Understand and use tables, graphs, and charts

  • Solve simple probability problems

  • Compare and contrast different sets of data

Algebra (20%–30%)

  • Solve proportions and percent problems

  • Solve simple equations

  • Solve linear and quadratic equations

  • Create and evaluate algebraic expressions

  • Use algebra symbols and formulas

  • Analyze tables, graphs, and charts

  • Understand basic factoring

Geometry and Measurement (20%–30%)

  • Solve problems involving common triangles, rectangles, and circles

  • Solve problems using perpendicular and parallel lines

  • Understand solid figures and their parts

  • Use basic geometric properties and the Pythagorean theorem to solve problems

  • Use coordinates and coordinate graphs

  • Calculate the slope of a line and the distance between points on a plane

  • Solve problems involving length, perimeter, area, and volume

Kinds of questions

The GED Mathematics Test will test application and problem-solving skills. The questions will stress your being able to apply concepts and basic skills.

Look for problems that ask you to

  • Visualize

  • Set up an expression or equation

  • Estimate or approximate

  • Do simple calculations

  • Work out ratios and proportions

  • Apply given formulas

  • Use your basic knowledge

  • Work from the answers

  • Find the reasonable answer

  • Decide if you have enough information or need more


Pop Quiz!

Which of the following only includes like terms?

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