Using Prepositions

Prepositions are used to relate elements in a sentence: noun to noun, verb to verb, or verb to noun/pronoun. Prepositions may contract with articles.


Prepositions may be used as modifiers and may be used before and after nouns and verbs. Certain verbs are always followed by a preposition. In addition, prepositions are used before the names of geographical locations to refer to travel and location.

Prepositions are used to relate two elements of a sentence:

  • Noun to noun: Il est le fils de M. Legrand. (He's Mr. Legrand's son.)

  • Verb to verb: Il commence à pleuvoir. (It's beginning to rain.)

  • Verb to noun: Elle travaille avec son ami. (She works with her friend.)

  • Verb to pronoun: Elles habitent près de moi. (They live near me.)

Some prepositions consist of only one word, as follows:

  • à (to)

  • après (after)

  • avant (before)

  • avec (with)

  • chez (at the house of)

  • contre (against)

  • dans, en (in)

  • de (about, from, of)

  • depuis (since)

  • derrière (behind)

  • devant (in front of)

  • entre (between)

  • malgré (despite)

  • par (by, through)

  • parmi (among)

  • pendant (during)

  • pour (for)

  • sans (without)

  • sauf (except)

  • selon (according to)

  • sous (under)

  • sur (on)

  • vers (toward)

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