Summary and Analysis Act III: Scene 4



lay you home to him tell him what's what.

silence me hide myself.

rood a cross as used in crucifixion; specifically, the cross on which Jesus was crucified.

sets a blister In Elizabethan England, prostitutes were sometimes branded with a hot iron.

contraction the marriage contract.

solidity and compound mass the earth.

tristful sorrowful.

index prologue.

counterfeit presentment portrait.

Mercury in Roman mythology, the messenger of the gods; god of commerce, manual skill, eloquence, cleverness, travel, and thievery.

batten to grow fat; thrive; to be well fed or wealthy at another's expense.

apoplex'd paralyzed.

cozen'd cheated.

hoodman-blind blindman's bluff.

so mope be so stupid.

enseam'd greasy, with a pun on semen.

vice of kings caricature of a king. Vice, who represented sin, was a stock character in morality plays.

distemper mental disturbance.

gambol wander; frolic.

unction ointment, salve; used for the act of annointing as in medical treatment or a religious ceremony.

mouse a common term of endearment.

reechy smoky, dirty, foul, or rancid.

paddock toad.

gib tomcat; a male cat, especially a castrated male cat.

enginer engineer.

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