Each job description is preceded by an indication of which branches of the service the job is available in, as not all branches of the service offer the same careers. For additional information beyond what we offer here, you can also visit: careersinthemilitary.com and todaysmilitary.com/careers.


Caseworkers and Counselors

Air Force
Marine Corps
Coast Guard

As with some civilians, some military personnel can develop drug or alcohol addictions. Others may suffer from depression or other emotional problems. Caseworkers and counselors help military personnel and their families to overcome personal problems. They work as part of a team that may include social workers, psychologists, medical officers, chaplains, personnel specialists, and commanders.

What They Do

Caseworkers and counselors in the military perform some or all of the following duties:

  • Interview personnel who request help or are referred by their commanders
  • Identify personal problems and determine the need for professional help
  • Counsel personnel and their families
  • Administer and score psychological tests
  • Teach classes on human relations
  • Keep records of counseling sessions and give reports to supervisors

Where They Work

Caseworkers and counselors usually work in offices or clinics.

Opportunities in Civilian Life

Civilian caseworkers and counselors work in rehabilitation centers, hospitals, schools, and public agencies. Their duties are similar to duties in the military. Civilian caseworkers and counselors, however, are usually required to have a college degree in social work, psychology, or counseling. They may be called group workers, human relations counselors, or drug and alcohol counselors.

Physical Requirements

Caseworkers and counselors must be able to speak clearly and distinctly in order to teach classes and work with personnel who have problems.

Religious Program Specialists

Air Force

The military is composed of personnel from many religions and faiths. The military provides chaplains and religious program specialists to help meet the spiritual needs of its personnel. Religious program specialists assist chaplains with religious services, religious education programs, and related administrative duties.

What They Do

Religious program specialists in the military perform some or all of the following duties:

  • Assist chaplains in planning and preparing religious programs and activities
  • Assist chaplains in conducting religious services
  • Prepare religious, educational, and devotional materials
  • Organize charitable and public-service volunteer programs
  • Maintain relations with religious communities and public-service organizations
  • Perform administrative duties for chaplains, such as scheduling appointments, handling correspondence, maintaining files, and handling finances

Where They Work

Religious program specialists in the military usually work indoors. They also serve aboard ships or with land and air units in the field.

Opportunities in Civilian Life

Civilian religious program specialists help manage churches and religious schools. Their duties are similar to those performed by military religious program specialists, including planning religious programs and preparing religious educational materials. They are also called directors of religious activities.

Physical Requirements

The ability to speak clearly and distinctly is required to enter this occupation.


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