Character List
Nicholas Sparks
Co-author and narrative voice of the memoir. Three Weeks with My Brother is both the story of a trip he takes with his brother, Micah, as well as the story of his immediate family as he grows up, marries, and has children of his own.
Micah Sparks
Co-author and Nicholas' older brother. He accompanies Nicholas on the trip around the world — the trip that sparks the memories and the assessment of their place in this world.
Dana Sparks
Younger sister of Nicholas and Micah.
Jill Emma Marie (Thoene) Sparks
Nicholas and Micah's mother.
Patrick Michael Sparks
Nicholas and Micah's father.
Cathy (Cat) Sparks
Nicholas' wife.
Christine Sparks
Micah's wife.
Dana's husband and father to her twin sons.
Miles, Ryan, Landon, Savannah, and Lexie Sparks
Nicholas' children.