Character Analysis The Turtons


Mr. Turton is the government and social leader of the English sector of Chandrapore. Under a pretext of good fellowship, he brings the newcomers into contact with the Indians. His high-handed and jocular manner puts the Indian where Mr. Turton wants him — in a class below the English. His is the lead that Ronny Heaslop imitates, Fielding refuses to tolerate, and Adela Quested cannot understand.

Mrs. Turton is even haughtier than her husband. She relegates all Indians to the servant class. She intends to preserve as much of England in Chandrapore as possible and to allow as little encroachment of India into her society as she can. She is bitterly hostile to Adela after the exoneration of Aziz, not because she necessarily believes him guilty, or really cares what becomes of Adela, but simply because she thinks the English have been betrayed.

The other English officials fairly well follow the pattern set by the Turtons. McBryde is somewhat more broad-minded and less conventional than the others, but in the final analysis his attitude is the same as theirs: the Indians are inferior.

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