Summary and Analysis Book III: Chapter 5



The three travelers, rested and refreshed, take their leave of the Wilsons. In discussing Mr. Wilson, Adams blames his early dissipation on his public school education; Joseph disagrees, maintaining that a public school education gives one a better preparation for the world than private education does. Adams' enthusiasm for the latter is based partly on his desire to preserve the innocence of children; ironically, however, Adams' own simple and innocent nature bears out Joseph's assertion that inherent dispositions will predominate, whatever the external influence on them. The discussion ends when they decide to have a picnic lunch in a delightful spot. Adams discovers a piece of gold which Mr. Wilson has put amongst their provisions, and Fielding provides himself with another thread for his final knot by linking Adams' wish to repay Mr. Wilson with the gratifying prospect of the visit that Mr. Wilson is to make within the week to Adams' parish.

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