Summary and Analysis
Part 4:
Chapter 3
Luzhin refuses to believe that such a magnificent prize as Dunya could possibly escape him. "In his dreams, he was already her lord and master," and he plans to use her mainly to forward his own career.
Meanwhile, Rodya tells his sister that Svidrigailov wants to see her and make her a present of 10,000 rubles. This offer puzzles everyone, and they decide to avoid all contact with him. Razumihkin offers a plan whereby they can all profit from the 3,000 rubles left to Dunya by Marfa Petrovna. He wants to open a small printing firm that will cater to publishing translations.
Rodya suddenly announces that he must leave. He asks pardon of his mother but insists that he is not well. As he leaves, Razumihkin follows him. Rodya is able to darkly communicate a strange secret by "some hint," and Razumihkin allows Rodya to go.
Rodya's sudden announcement to his family that he must be alone emphasizes again the truth of his theory that crime isolates one from society, and that crime contributes to illness: "I wanted to tell you it would be better if we parted for a short time. I feel ill. I am not at peace. . . Leave me, leave me alone. . .I want to be alone; for me altogether, it's better. Don't make inquires about me. When I can, I will come of myself or . . .I will send for you. . .but if you love me, give me up. . .otherwise, I feel I shall begin to hate you."
Rodya is able to make Razumihkin know that he is implicated in the crime in some fashion. Here, then, Razumihkin's function in the novel becomes settled; he is to look after Rodya's mother and sister, thereby leaving Raskolnikov free to depart and work out his own guilt.